Forward - Texas Fort Worth!

Forward - Texas Forth Worth!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Baptism, Temple, Transfer


This week was great on monday Janet took us to eat thai food and it was way yum and she finally decided that she would come to the temple with us and Wes on tuesday! So I say, just don't forget your temple recommend ok?? So she starts looking through her purse... fast forward 20 minutes... still looking!! So I offer to say a prayer, we pray and she says I know where it is, its in a purse at my house!!!(this woman loses EVERYTHING hah) she found it thank goodness and once again we see that God really does answer prayers:) On tuesday we had a zone lunch at the church taco tuesday at Rosas because we have the BEST zone in the world, I really miss them so much.
But after Sophie called us and said she wanted to take us to lunch haha so we went to Mod Market so good and she showed us the letters she sent to you!!:) and then she gave me a another gift and she already had given me way nice boots! She gave me some perfume which smells amaaaazing!! I always tell her you smell so good so she gave me the perfume she wears haha I love her to death!! 

But the day gets better Wes Parker and Janet Templeton went to the temple to do baptisms and confirmations for the dead! What a wonderful experience that was! They had a few different family names and lots of ward members came as well to support and brought some of their family names as well!! Sister Benson and I were baptized for some of Wes great grandmothers, and I was baptized for Janet's grandma:) it was so cool!! On our drive home wes said he really enjoyed it and he cannot wait to go back again!
We told him we would plan another trip soon because hopefully the Johnsons will want to go this next month:) I honestly cannot say how much I miss flower mound and the people there, haha and I've only been gone a few days!! I learned so much while being there and I've never felt more united with a zone before. Now that I've had that wonderful experience in flo mo I am striving to make that happen here in Weatherford, its just different but thats how transfers always are, and then I end up loving my next area too!! I know I will love it here, I already do!!

Also I had to say goodbye to Jolene and Mark and Arthur I was so sad, Mark put his hands on my shoulders and said, "you are my best friend, you and sam who lives down the street." melted my heart I love them!!!! I know sister benson will take good care of them though:)
Wednesday was transfer day, sister pratt is always in charge of the breakfast for the new missionaries so we got to help with that, and Sophie came to help too, so it was great it was like i never was going to have to say goodbye ha!!
Oh I met Brooks friend from Kanab that just got here to the mish, whats her last name?? I think that is the one sis b is training idk let me know asap!! But anywho then I got to see the Nielsons too!! It was the best morning seeing everyone:) That night we had dinner at the Spaeths, I have never been so full in my life!!! They have a huge garden and a goat farm cool huh? I like it here its more country:) Started with a squash soup, the 2 different kinds of salads, literally a full plate of rice and meat, a glass of goats milk and I'm dying at this point then basically they give me a quarter of a watermelon for dessert.... I literally could not finish it, I took two bites of the watermelon and could not take another, never had that in my life. But maybe I should have saved it for later because our apartment has no food!!! .... so i've been putting my cooking skills to the test with what we have, basically I've eaten oatmeal everyday and then pharoah(its a kind of rice grain thing), there was one egg so I made some interesting pancakes haha, and made some other oat mixture thing I even had to stoop low enough to eat ramen because that's all there was!! And they don't have dinners every night here like in flo mo. Thank goodness I can go buy some fruits and vegetables today hahahah, I'm not complaining i just think its really funny:)

We were able to see a few investigators here, one is Jerry, he has been meeting with the sisters for quite a while, we started going over the baptism interview questions with him to see what is holding him back, I really feel that he could get baptized in august, it kind of feels like the teaching really hasn't been focused on leading to his purpose so I think if we do that, it will really help. I kind of noticed that with some other investigators as well like Kelly and Savannah who came to church for the second time ever yesterday, with the spirit and with purpose driven teaching I know these people here in Weatherford can really progress. There is a lot of potential here and I'm super excited to work, work, work!!

Sister Carbno has been out a little over 15 months, she's from chicago, I'm excited to work with her, she is really sweet I hope and pray that we can push and work hard 
together this transfer to hasten the work of salvation!!

So last week I started reading the Pearl of Great Price and the Doctrine and Covenants and of course they are amazing. I am so grateful that we have so many books of scripture and also modern day revelation to read and learn from. They are true!! I can't imagine starting my day without reading from them!! They bring the spirit for the rest of the day which is exactly what I and everyone needs!! As I read in Doctrine and Covenants 15 John Whitmer wanted to know what was of the most worth to him and the Lord said, 6 And now, behold, I say unto you, that the thing which will be of the most worth unto you will be to declare repentance unto this people, that you may bring souls unto me, that you may rest with them in the kingdom of my Father. Amen.
I know that is true for me and for all of us!! Hurrah for Israel!!!

Sister Wells

P.S. Here is a story for zach, btw tell him to email me, him and syd always forget!!!! But anywho I was showing some missionaries on pday the pic of him and caiden because no joke elder clark looks like caiden so I call him my cousin and everything!! and elder cherry looks at the pic and asks is that your brother? I said yes isn't he a cutie? and he says he's going to be dangerous on his mission. hahaha not sure what thats supposed to mean but knowing elder cherry it probs because zachy is so handsome it was so funny, maybe its one of those you had to be there moments haha anywho love ya

Monday, July 20, 2015

There Is No Greater Feeling

Good morning fam!!

This week was crazy and so wonderful!!! I guess maybe because I am
going to miss flower mound sooooooo much!! I can't remember if I told
you at the first of this transfer so I was praying a ton the first few days,
then we went to the temple with sister benson and I realized that
there really was a reason for me to be with her for 3 transfers and I
set some goals for the transfer to make it the best of my mission so
far! And it totally was!! This transfer was amaaaaazing!! And I love
sister benson with all my heart! Whenever someone gets baptized, or
comes to the church or reads the bom that we are teaching I get super
excited and there is no greater feeling you know what I'm talking
about?? Well that is how I feel with sister benson, I know i didn't do
anything, but for me to be a part of this journey she is on and to see
her from march until now I get that feeling!! Nothing can make me feel
happier! She is staying in Flower Mound and she is training a brand
new missionary!!! I'm soo excited for her to train she will be a
But on another note, we were able to do a lot of service this week for
some less active members and part member families! And for bill and sophie too which was so wonderful!! Its really hot haha but we love it!! Bill and sophie got baptized and wow it was so so so special, I
don't know but their story is just extra special to me, the spirit was so strong the whole weekend, they were prepared, their sons came as well which was really neat and they said that they could see that the
baptism was for purpose, it wasn't just getting dunked in the water. I will miss them so much, but I know I will be in contact with them forever!! They said they never had daughters but now they know what it
is like to love a daughter. They are so excited to share the gospel with their family and with others its amazing. I gave them the picture of the temple mom and they looooved it! Thank you! They said they will
put it up and remember always that that is their goal. This is real conversion!!

We are very excited to go to the temple with wes and janet and nate
tomorrow as well!! Literally the perfect week before i leave flo mo!
There really is no greater joy than this!!

Yesterday we talked about sacrifice in gospel principles, and as we
talked about it i thought about how maybe when I left on my mission i
thought i was sacrificing for these 18 months, that i was leaving
swimming, leaving family and friends and college. But boy was I wrong,
this is no sacrifice at all, it is the biggest blessing in the entire

So I am headed to to Hudson Oaks to a sister training leader again and
I'm so excited to go and work it to death with sister carbno! Its kind
of cool being a stl and then not being one and then having the
opportunity to be one again, I really can see how much better I can
be, at the meeting friday I just kept thinking whoa I was awful in
denton, well not awful but not that great, but I'm excited to change
and be better!!!

Thank you for everything! Love you!

Sister Wells

2115 Holly Oaks ln #266
Weatherford, TX 76087

Monday, July 13, 2015

This Week Has Felt Super Long But Super Good!

Howdy howdy!!

This week has felt super long, but it has been super good!! Tuesdays zone council was great, I learned lots and Sister Benson and i have been role playing doing 5min lessons with the digital pamphlets! We are starting to get better I think:) 

We were able to see J and M and the other kiddos a few times this week. They came to church it was the 4th time for all of them. Its so awesome to see them! We love planning and preparing for their lessons, because J is kinda like an investigator too, she hasn't been to church for 30 years and the kids don't know much at all.
M still has a date for August 1 but we may need to change that, especially as their living conditions are not well and they may need to move within the next few weeks, they are having a really hard time with money and housing and all sorts of things, its sad to see, the ward has been really helpful but they can only do so much. We will continue to pray for them and to come see them, they really enjoy us coming and coming to church, I know that is because the spirit is there and they feel safe and peaceful. I hope we can help them recognize that. We brought them to mission president's fireside last night and they brought their toy dinosaurs and while we were driving all of a sudden M is like ahhhhh I need to go to the bathroom and starts bouncing up and down for the next 10 minutes we get there and he runs into the bathroom so I was holding his dinosaur Rexy (remember Rexy from our cruise? haha)
anywho so we walk in late during the opening song and all the missionaries and investigators are there and I was just carrying a dinosaur haha I'm such a weirdo! But it was good we wrote down a few words like baptism, God, Jesus Christ , The Book of Mormon and they would tally and count how many times it was said. It was a good game to keep them paying attention they are so cute. During Pres. Ames talk he said something about the BofM and how we have to read and pray about it to know that it is true, I turned to mark and said "how can we know the BoM is true?" he told me, "you have to ask God" so I said, "Have you asked God if it is true?" he said, "no... one sec (folds his arms says a 5 second prayer, then looks up at me and nods his head yes)" is it true I asked and he said yes hahahah so funny:) But jolene said she is going to make them read with her everyday before bed yayyy!! And now they know all the words to I am a Child of God we sing that each time we go over there:) so sweet!!

Bill and Sophie are doing great! They had their interviews yesterday and they are ready to go for the 18th! We had a lesson with them this week with our bishop and we talked all about the temple, they have lots of questions, but they want to go!!! They have been so prepared for the gospel, even the first time we met them, but now they feel ready themselves and nothing is going to stop them:) So excited for this weekend especially because their sons will be coming to the baptism as well!!

So we had a miracle this week on Wednesday we went to see a part member less active family and dani who is 14 who went to girls camp asked us what she needs to do to get baptized!!! She came to church again yesterday and we are doing service for them tomorrow, and then having a lesson!! Hopefully we will set a date for the end of August, she's had the lessons before but just said she wasn't ready and her mom was all weird about it, but it seems real this time, and her mom is in on it too!! She wants her brother to baptize her and thats cool because he just recieved the priesthood a couple months ago! Their family is going to see some miracles this year, I know they already have!!

We are still planning on taking our recent converts to the temple next week and we are suppppperrrr excited!!! So many great things happening in this area! And Sister Benson is doing really great! Well she got bit by a dog Saturday, 
no worries all is good and she's fine, poor thing. We were just going to knock on some doors, and the first one we come to, we knock, the screen door was closed by the real door was open and the dog barks and comes bolting out swinging open the screen door and bites her!!! ahhh I wish it wouldve been me instead, she said that is her worst fear!!! We ran and shut the gate and the owner came out and was so out of it and says didn't you see the sign?.... wish I had a pic of the sign... you can't see anything it was all worn off.. then he tells us we should push up against doors after we knock on them so that doesn't happen... ok never heard that one before, but good to know! We had to file a bite report and everything I guess you have to do that here in tx, so a police officer came to our house, he was so nice and we talked to him and got to share the bom with him before he left!! Booya!!
Poor girl with her bite :(
We just need to make sure that the dog has had its shots so she doesn't have to get rabies shots! Its probably fine, hopefully. Then we took her to urgent care to get her all cleaned up and get some antibiotics! Oh and we had dinner with this new fam in the ward and they are a total swim family and their son is being recruited to swim at byu! He asked me all about it and was on the phone with dee just the night before! It was crazy!! But weirdly it inspired me to have even better workouts in the mornings haha!

Oh also we got caught in a rainstorm on our bikes on Tuesday, looked like we jumped in a pool, its cool!:) and yesterday we were at the church from 7:30-4:30 yikes!!! haha then we had dinner then went to another church for the fireside!! Crazy! But so great I love all church stuff!!
Oh and another cool story, we were knocking on some doors and this girl answered we started talking to her and we ask if we could share a short video, the Because of Him vid, so awesome! But she said she wasn't comfortable with that, so we just keep talking, she said shes agnostic and anywho before we leave we ask if we can say a prayer with her and she said sure we prayed and when we finished she was crying and said she's prayed before but she has never felt the way she was feeling we testified that that as the spirit and then she said she would like us to come back! Amazing huh?!! Hopefully we will see her this week!!!
And a cool scripture i like this week Doctrine and Covenants 128:15  And now, my dearly beloved brethren and sisters, let me assure you that these are principles in relation to the dead and the living that cannot be lightly passed over, as pertaining to our salvation. For their salvation is necessary and essential to our salvation, as Paul says concerning the fathers--that they without us cannot be made perfect--neither can we without our dead be made perfect.
That is really cool how it says they without us can't be made perfect and we without them can be made perfect!! :)

Love y'all lots!!!

Sister Wells

Monday, July 6, 2015

This Week Was Awesome!


This week was awesome!! We had a wonderful zone conference, I always love love those meetings, the spirit is very strong and I learn so much, and see what things I need to change and repent of, it always makes me a better missionary and I am thankful for all the preparation and prayer that others who participate put into it all!
Including myself as I was the piano player, I literally practiced everyday at the pratts house because they chose hard songs, Because I have been Given Much has 4 flats!!! ahhh it went okkkk...hahaha One thing that I have thought about a lot since the meeting is being accountable to everyone I see.
Zone Conference

I would say before I was pretty good at talking to everybody, as long as they weren't getting into their car, or awkward situations hahah or while I was running in the mornings. But president made a comment about the ap's never going a day without sharing a pass along card on their runs inspired me!! So Sister Bonny 
Sister Bonny
and I were on xc and Tuesday morning we get up to go for a run and I put tons of pass along cards in my pockets and put my name tag on and said that we weren't going to come in until we had shared at least one! So we start running and we see this old guy with 2 huge dogs and he has long white hair in a ponytail at the end of the road, probably seemed so creepy with us just running towards him hahah then stopping, but we did and just started talking, he actually lived in utah for 9 years! We talked for like 15 minutes we taught a lesson and shared another pass along card to a lady that was running by. He wasn't super interested but it was still awesome!! We ended up sharing 6 pass along cards that morning and didn't get in until 715:) so worth it! And then Thursday sis benson and I shared 4! I know it won't be like that everyday, but now it is always on my mind. So cool!!

The next awesome thing was that we saw Wes
With Wes
and we are tentatively 
preparing to go to the temple on the 21st with him to do baptisms and confirmations, we are hoping to bring nate as well and hopefully janet! Even the Johnsons if they want!!:) Soooooo exciting and yesterday we were able to sit in when he received the priesthood and was ordained a priest! Wow! Very neat experience!!!

Also while on exchange we were able to see the Bevins a part member family and finally able to have almost all of them there, Dani who is not a member went to girls camp and came to church last week and to our ward activity on the 4th! And she totally likes us now so hopefully she will join us now when we come over! I feel way good about whats going to happen in this family, the ward has taken such good care of them and making them feel welcome, the mom who is a member has been less active for years but she has come to church a few times as well!!

So the week gets better!!  Bill and Sophie invited us over for dinner and 2 of their sons were there too! That was great! Just one of them sat in for the lesson though, but he was very sweet and asked some questions. It was so neat, Bill was telling him how kids raised in the church have it so much easier but that he needed to search and find the truth for himself since he wasn't raised in it, he keeps trying to get them to read the bom. I think that they will. But anywho after the lesson bill asks if he can give the closing prayer, we said of course, and he said, it might be long is that ok? We said of course we love prayers:)  In the prayer he says how grateful he is for the church and for the sisters and then says and we hope that the sisters can pin down a date for us to get baptized 

soon, in July, because we are ready.... and so on, and of course me being the cry baby started crying during the prayer. We said amen and then we set a date for the 18th! I LOVE them so much its not even real! It was so cute, when we were leaving we were telling their son Jason that he had the best parents ever, he said I know and Sophie said, we are going to be even better parents now!! If I think about them too much and about them going to the temple and the blessings that their family will receive now and forever I want to cry more because I feel so much joy and I feel the spirit so strong! The gospel is real and it is true and families can be together forever!!! I'm so blessed to be a part of their marvelous journey! So grateful!Then Friday we saw Jolene and all the kiddos and Mark said that he really wanted to be baptized, he is the 9 year old and wanted to get baptized this week haha but we set a date for August 1! Super excited for him too! And they came to church yesterday as well!! I love that family, mark was talking to a guy in our ward and introduced me to him as his best friend:) Melt my heart! And even though sometimes I feel like he is never listening in our lessons, he surprises us with his answers!

The 4th of July was good! We contacted lots of people at the park and some elders walked around in the Book of Mormon and Bible,
I'll send you pics, and then were able to do service by handing out the programs at the park where all the festivities were! I really want to shout Hurrah for Israel!!!

Love y'all!!!
Sister Wells