Forward - Texas Fort Worth!

Forward - Texas Forth Worth!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

They Really Pack Your Days!

Dear Family,

Thanks for the package!  I was seriously soo excited!  I really understand even after like three days why missionaries love mail.  Or maybe I just was because I've been a little homesick but that's just because I love you guys so much, you're the best!

But I know I'm supposed to be here and I've already gotten better.  I have learned so so much, they really pack your days full!!  It's a lot of sitting in class but it just makes gym time really exciting, haha.  We've played soccer and sand volleyball which was really fun!

Our district is really small, only five of us, but I've already grown to really like them all a lot.  They all have a little contribution to our little family, haha.  Elder Adams literally is Steve Martin, everything he does the way he talks, his facials and just how he moves, it is soo funny!

Tonight we taught Debbie our fake investigator, ha, for the 2nd time and talked about the restoration and prayer and she prayed with us which was awesome even though this isn't really real haha!  After dinner we basically had four hours of study time, personal companion, doctrinal and at the end had district meeting.  It's sometimes hard to stay awake with my allergies and a cold = sniffling and puffy eyes, but I have learned a lot.

One of the Elders was like ah I'm so sore from volleyball (like how? we played 30 min) and he's like I served with all my might and then I couldn't stop laughing because I was thinking as like a mission served with all my might, mind and strength.  I LOLED :) and then later in our meeting he said he knew it'd be worth it if we serve our full mission for the 24 months for the elders and the 19 for us no... it's 18, haha.  I just started laughing more so I know Heavenly Father put me with Sister Cisco and our small district for a reason.  They've all taught me lots in just a short time.

It doesn't even feel like Satruday like you can't tell what days are which here and I can't believe a week ago from tomorrow will be from my farewell that literally feels like it was a century ago.

How's state cup?  Tell me everything that's happening.  I Love YOU!

Sister Wells

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