Email to Mom: Hola!!!! I'm in 17m just at the mtc. the food is
literally the cannon except that they make yummy salads i eat that like
alll the time!!! hahahhaha yes from fredonia I was so happy to hear
that!! Yes she was baptized 2 yrs ago! she's very quiet but I get her to
talk and she's already been a lot better!! The clothes are fab, I get
compliments all the time haha but I seriously love wearing them because I
think that they're cute, def not too many you can send more when I get
to Texas lollllllz. we leave Tuesday
morning!!!! I think our flight is at 8ish! I loved my package thank you
again! I hope you got my last letter!!! I need rubes email! I can't wait
to hear more about state cup!! What's Zach been up to? When does school
get out?? I shared but sis cisco hates green candy sooooo hahahahhahah
love you lots
Email to Dad: It was theeeee longessst day!! and the days following were just the same!! everyone said that you just need to make it to sunday
and they were right I feel like so much better!!!! but still when I say
it's only been a week it feels like i've been gone for sure a month! I
really have never been so focused on Christ in my life so it is really
cool! Elder Bednar came on Sunday!
It was so awesome!!!! have you read The Character of Christ by him?? so
cool! So they show that video of that talk at devotional, then wammmm
he comes out, like it was awesome!!! I sit in class all day, so much
sitting, but we played soccer and volleyball and me and sis cisco go to
these aerobic classes in the mornings!! I love the spirit that is here
and loooove seeing familiar faces!! I know that there is a reason that I
am here and can't wait to be in Texas with real investigators! I'll be
there in less than a week!!
I love you